Built with Business In Mind
One of the greatest marketing platforms for your business is your website. Unfortunately, it is too often that business owners make the mistake of not investing more in their website. It’s not always their fault, though.
Many business owners, especially service based businesses, simply do not recognize the potential to grow their businesses on-line because they do not know how to leverage their web presence beyond creating an on-line brochure. Listing your capabilities may seem to be enough, but it’s not. If you want your website to be well used and indexed well in search engines as a result, you will need to give your audience more reasons to use it than reading about what your capabilities and skills are. With the technology available today, it is possible to have a very robust web presence on a modest budget.
If You Keep Building It, They Will Come
Tailoring a plan for your website is essential for how you will grow your site’s user base. Determine how you will communicate beyond your site, and what components, functionality, and resources will be needed to achieve steady user interaction and long term growth.
With this in mind, if you create an expectation, there needs to be follow through. For instance, if you harvest subscriptions for newsletters or marketing communications, then be sure to consistently communicate relevant information to your subscribers to ensure they stay subscribed and interested. As with any other internet marketing platform, it takes consistent and relevant communications to keep your users interested and engaged.